

Is there a possibility to have a look at the software?

Of course. However, since the software supports the method, a minimum of knowledge of the method is necessary so that you do not get lost.

That is why we are happy to show you mind_IP in a web conference, optimal duration including questions: 1.5h.


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What is behind the method? - I want to know more precisely.

You want more details? We would be happy to clarify your questions in a web presentation.


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I want to try mind_IP once - is that possible?

This is also possible. In order to get to know the functionality of the method and the software, we offer an accompanied test position, in which you run through mind_IP once completely using exemplary data from your company.

For this purpose, we provide you with a separate instance of the software, which you can access via browser.

We feed the software with your data and explain the elements of mind_IP and their interaction in small workshops (management, mark experts, technology experts, IP experts).

We prefer to hold the workshops online, but we will adapt them to your wishes.

This offer is free of charge for you, you only have to plan some time for it.


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Our company is very special - for which companies is mind_IP applicable?

mind_IP is designed for companies that manufacture technical products and carry out (own) development for them.

Company size and turnover are secondary criteria. However, you should have a certain degree of organization, which usually occurs from about 100 employees.

The more complex your product portfolio and the more international your business, the greater the benefit, regardless of whether you operate in a B2B or B2C environment.

Company age and culture are not relevant. From traditional companies in the 5th generation to young companies mind_IP is applicable. Since it takes your individuality into account and you develop/use mind_IP the way you want.

That is not yet the answer to your question? Let’s clarify it in a short conversation.


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What we do has been around for a hundred years - there's no innovation possible anymore!

Maybe, but the question arises: How do you actually define innovation?

Digital transformation is an ongoing, step-by-step process – the one big shot is not necessary, and may not even make sense at all.

Who knows your field better than you and your team?

mind_IP enables you to activate the existing creativity of your team and combine it with your entrepreneurial instincts to embark on this journey step by step. Because, as I said before – it doesn’t always have to be rocket science….

That hasn’t convinced you yet? Let’s discuss it in a conversation.


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Products we can. We need new business models - can mind_IP be used for this?

Yes, it is, because that’s what it’s all about. The buzzwords for this are business model innovation, value innovation, value proposition, value architecture and revenue model – but, is that how you think and work?

mind_IP picks up your team in its thinking world and enables it to develop the right answers from within itself.

You want to know more? Let’s clarify it in a short conversation.


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Can mind_IP be used throughout the company? (cross-country & cross-divisional)

Yes, the method, target system, evaluation system, process and key figure system are universally valid and thus combine different corporate cultures and ways of working.

mind_IP does justice to the differences in the eco-systems (customer-industry-competition-specifics) by mapping them individually.

Do you have something specific in mind? Let’s clarify it in a short conversation.


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How does mind_IP engage employees who have shut down?

The basic principle of mind_IP is based on appreciation and the acceptance that everyone has and is allowed to have a lull once in a while.

The interdepartmental approach of mind_IP provides continuous orientation and classification in the overall context.

Figuratively like the banister in a staircase.

If I stumble or need a break on a landing, reaching for the “mind_IP railing” helps me to regain my bearings.

Can mind_IP also be used for internal projects?

Yes, the core of the method is to provide answers to the question of the meaningfulness of projects.

For internal projects, only the definition of the objects of consideration has to be changed.

Example customer benefit: For a product, the definition is “perceptible benefit for the external customer”; for an internal project, it becomes “perceptible benefit for the internal customer”, etc….

You have something concrete in mind? Let’s clarify it in a short conversation.


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Can we use it to eliminate other systems?

As an effectiveness tool, you insert mind_IP as a connecting layer in your system landscape. Via open interfaces (manual or API’s) the software connects your existing Idea Management, Innovation Management, Product Portfolio Management, Project Portfolio Management and ERP systems, if they exist.

With the exception of Project Portfolio Management and ERP, mind_IP can replace your existing systems.

However, true to the motto “Never change a running system”, we recommend not to do this at the beginning, but to anchor mind_IP in the organization first. See also “Do I need to change my existing processes and organizational structure?”.

You are facing the decision to purchase one of the mentioned systems or you want to modernize it? Then please contact us.


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Security / IT

Keyword: Data security - What happens to our data?

Your data belongs to you and stays with you.

We deliver the software to you as a container, which you integrate into your security structure and control as you wish.

You only need to grant us maintenance access, but we will also follow your security rules.

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Does the software fit into our system landscape?

The probability that our software fits into your landscape is 99% and will remain so in the future, no matter how you change your IT landscape.

Our software is browser-based and delivered as a container (Linux, Postgres database, Java application).

This allows you to run the software locally or in the cloud. We will be guided by your preferred architecture.

You need more details about the IT requirements?


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Business economics

Which savings can be achieved with mind_IP?

mind_IP unfolds its business effect on the revenue side as well as on the expenditure side.

On the revenue side by

Increasing the success rate of your product portfolio – you increase the share of high-yield products and reduce the share of low-yield products.

On the expense side by

  • Reducing the coordination effort of all parties involved in the product creation and product portfolio maintenance process,
  • Reduction of sunk costs in the product development process – the expenses that have been incurred but have not / do not lead to a high-yield product.

The savings potential of mind_IP is 30% in the reduction of coordination effort.

In the case of sunk project costs, mind_IP enables a reduction of 40%.

If you want to know concretely how high the savings potentials are for your company, you can do this easily and validly with our free mind_IP calculator.


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What is the ROI of mind_IP?

Under 12 months. And, of course, depending on where we start from, i.e. which scope we jointly select for the implementation project and what effort this entails for you internally and for us.

An ROI analysis is an integral part of our quotation process, but requires some preliminary work on both sides.

You can quickly determine for yourself whether this effort is worthwhile for you with our free mind_IP calculator. It allows you to validly determine the savings potential in your company.


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How much will it cost us?

The mind_IP pricing model is a software rental model (software incl. maintenance) and is based on the number of named users.

Named users are divided into basic users and power users and can be adjusted annually. Basic users are license-free, only power users are relevant for the rental calculation.

In addition to the software license fees, there are one-time costs for the software installation, the configuration (adaptation of the system to your company’s reality, interface design) and training in the application of the method.

If you wish, we can also provide you with resources for change management, process optimization, data maintenance, and for further sparring on mind_IP usage issues. We can charge for this on a case-by-case basis at fixed daily rates or through reduced contingents.

You want a concrete offer? Then we should clarify a few more questions to make it really concrete.


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Implementation and operation

Which references are there?

We have developed mind_IP in cooperation with a major tool manufacturer from Liechtenstein and a control and automation technology manufacturer from Baden-Württemberg.

Now we are at the point of attracting co-creators in our actual target group – companies with 200 – 3,000 employees – to add the final touches to our finished solution with their input.

Are you tackling the transformation issue right now? Let’s talk about our special conditions for co-creators.


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How does an implementation work?

The implementation of mind_IP consists of three main activities: the method training, the software installation and the filling of the database with your data.

Speed, low effort on your part and immediate results are our primary goals, as we are well aware that you do not actually have time.

How do we achieve this? It has proven successful to introduce mind_IP with a pilot project on the level of a BU or a concrete project.

In doing so, we omit lengthy IT configurations in advance, but fill the database successively in the course of working on the project.

I.e. through training in the method, the database fills itself with your data and provides you step by step with the insights for your decisions.

You have an idea for a pilot? Let’s talk about it.


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How long does an implementation take?

This depends largely on the availability of your internal project team.

The fastest implementation took 6 weeks, but 3 months is more realistic.

We support the availability of your team through short workshops (1.5h) and through web trainings as far as possible.

Do I need to change my existing processes & organizational structure?

No, you don’t have to change anything, because mind_IP is integrated into your existing processes and organization as a connecting layer.

But you can.

As a rule, the application of mind_IP shows you over time where you can declutter, as it sharpens your perception of what “makes sense” and the connections.

You can access support through our network if needed.


Drawing on support

Who is the appropriate contact person at my company?

Basically everyone who has profit & loss responsibility and is involved in the product development process (PDP) and/or product portfolio design.

Typical contacts are decision makers from the areas of corporate strategy and organization, product portfolio management, innovation management, research & development.

You are still unsure? Let’s find out together.


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What about care and accompaniment?

Basically, we quickly make you so fit in dealing with mind_IP that you no longer need us.

The platform idea of mind_IP has the goal that you exchange ideas with other users. We, mind_IP, are the coordinator and service provider who takes up your impulses and further develops the method and the software for your and the other community members’ benefit.

But of course we do not leave you alone if you wish. We have a broad network of specialists at our disposal and are continuously expanding it.

Just ask us, we will arrange suitable contacts for you.


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